Still working...

About Me

Did you know Jaqueline Penny is a pseudonym? Since I have a career outside of writing, I wanted to keep the two completely separate. Even going so far as to not tell my siblings about my writing (surprise!). My first book, Seventeen Days, started out as a dream. I wrote it down as though I were reading about it in a book because it was so realistic to me. Months later, I came back to it when I was bored and added what I thought would happen next. Fast forward approximately eight months and I had four books written, knowing there was at least one more to come. But then life happened. My dad became seriously ill while I wrote book four, and died a few months later. Grief made me incapable of writing for a few years.

It was only after a good friend who knew about the books asked when I was going to publish them, that I started writing again. It was then that I became serious about seeing the books published, something my daddy wanted to see me do. I am so excited (and exceptionally terrified) to finally be sharing these books with readers. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

If you’re here, have read my book, and have an opinion on it, good or bad (hopefully not bad), please consider leaving a review on Amazon for me. That is the easiest way to help me get my books into the hands of readers!